Help make Sullivan’s Gulch even better.
SGNA is made up of your neighbors working together to improve the livability of the neighborhood. If you have a question or an issue of concern, SGNA is the place to start. Contact us on our web site or attend monthly Board meetings. If you’re ready to work with your neighbors to make Sullivan’s Gulch an even nicer place to live, join an SGNA committee. You don’t need to be an SGNA Board member to serve. Committees Land Use and Transportation The LUTC works with developers and builders to make new developments and better for everyone the neighborhood. The LUTC is notified of all building permits and regularly comments on plans. In addition, the LUTC works with Portland Bureau of Transportation, the NE Broadway Business Association (NEBBA) to make Broadway and other streets safer and friendlier for pedestrians and cyclists. The LUTC welcomes new members. Just come to a meeting. Events SGNA typically sponsors several neighborhood events each year:
Along with this website, we have an email list to keep you up to date with activities and and meetings of interest. Sign up for this list using the form on the home page. For major events we print and post yard signs throughout the neighborhood (and could use help posting them). We are in serious need of a webmaster to maintain and update this website (composed using Weebly so straightforward to edit after you learn a couple things). Safety and Livability At the current time SGNA does not have an active committee. Emergency Preparedness There are several Neighborhood Emergency Team members living in the Gulch but no active group. Our NET volunteers are active with the Irvington NET group. Sullivan's Gulch Trail Now that the pedestrian and bike bridge is complete at NE 7th Avenue and Lloyd Blvd. there's even more reason to restart the Sullivan's Gulch Trail, which would run along the North slope above I-84 and railroad tracks. Click here for more information. |